The Six Degrees of Separation Blogathon


I was issued a challenge! How exciting! Well…a kind of challenge, anyway. Lol. It’s actually more of a “pass the torch” type thing, so it’s all in good fun. Anyway, this challenge comes to me from the awesome Miss Anna of Film Grimoire. You can read the details of the Six Degrees of Separation Blogathon on Anna’s site, but you can also read about its origins over at My Filmviews where it all began. The basic challenge is this: you are given two names of actors/actresses/directors or movies, and in six steps or less, you must link them. My challenge? Link Dane DeHaan to Max von Sydow. Ready? LET’S DO THIS!!!

1. Though I have not seen it (and I really need to), I know that Dane DeHaan had a role in Lawless, which starred (among many other excellent actors) the superb Mr. Tom Hardy.

Were DeHaan and Hardy EVER together in this film?? Like, I could find nothing of the two of them. So I'm hoping this is the back of Tom Hardy's head.

Were DeHaan and Hardy EVER together in this film?? Like, I could find nothing of the two of them. So I’m hoping this is the back of Tom Hardy’s head.

2. Tom Hardy was at his sassiest in one of my all-time favorites, Inception, in which he shares some screen time with the incomparable Mr. Leonardo DiCaprio.


3. Leonardo DiCaprio has had a whole slew of awesome roles in a whole slew of awesome films, but you know what came out in 2010 along with Inception? Shutter Island! And you know who else was in Shutter Island?! MAX VON SYDOW!!! BOOM!!!

Again, back of the head!! Why do I suck at this??

Again, back of the head!! Why do I suck at this??

THREE DEGREES, SON!!! HOW YA LIKE ME NOW??? …Woah. Sorry, guys. I got a little excited. Anyway, I had fun connecting the dots, and I’m excited to see how the next blogger works out my challenge! And that blogger will be…Zoë from The Sporadic Chronicles of a Beginner Blogger! Zoë, your mission (should you choose to accept it) is this: find a link between Max von Sydow and the movie WALL-E! (Sidenote: as some of you know, Zoë became familiar with WALL-E earlier this year, as evidenced in her excellent review of it here).  Best of luck, lady! Also, here’s a little graphic for you to use (thanks again for the help with that, Anna):



Shortly after beginning this write-up, the torch was passed to me once again–this time by the fantastic Miss Natalie over at Writer Loves Movies! The challenge for this round was to link Gary Cooper to Colin Firth, and lemme tell ya, this was no cakewalk. Hahaha. My problem is I’m not super familiar with a lot of Cooper’s stuff, so I really had to do some digging. But I think I worked it out! It’s probably in a super roundabout way that several people will immediately find easier solutions for…but it is what it is. Bahaha. So here we go!

1. Aaaaand we’re already starting out with one I haven’t seen! Haha. Apparently, Gary Cooper was in an oldie entitled The Hanging Tree with Oscar-winner George C. Scott (who won his Oscar for Patton, which I have seen).

I had zero luck finding a pic of these two here's Gary Cooper.

I had zero luck finding a pic of these two together…so here’s Gary Cooper.

2. George C. Scott was in the supremely unnecessary Exorcist III (I mean really–who called for a third Exorcist film, let alone a second?) with creeper extraordinaire, Brad Dourif.

Again, no luck. So's George C. Scott.

Again, no luck. So um…here’s George C. Scott.

3. Brad Dourif joined the LOTR cast for The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers, which, of course, stars the ever-awesome Sir Ian McKellen.

ARE YOU SERIOUS??? NO WORMTONGUE/GANDALF PICS??? Ugh. Whatever. Here's Brad Dourif being all Wormtongue-y.

ARE YOU SERIOUS??? NO WORMTONGUE/GANDALF PICS??? Ugh. Whatever. Here’s Brad Dourif being all Wormtongue-y.

4. Ian McKellen returned to his role as Gandalf the Grey for the Hobbit films, all of which also star Martin Freeman, whom I love with all of my heart.

Yaaayyy! Should've known I could count on Bilbo and Gandalf for a pic! :)

Yaaayyy! Should’ve known I could count on Bilbo and Gandalf for a pic! 🙂

5. And FINALLY, Martin Freeman brings us to Love Actually, which also features…you got it! Colin Firth!

Look! I found a pic of Colin Firth and Martin Freeman making out! ...Just kidding. Did that make you do a double take?

Look! I found a pic of Colin Firth and Martin Freeman making out! …Just kidding. Did that make you do a double take?

Phew! That tired me out, y’all. Thanks for the workout, Natalie! Haha. As for this particular challenge…hmm…got it! I shall issue it to Tom from Digital Shortbread! That’s right, my friend–you’re up! And here’s your challenge: find a link between Colin Firth and the movie Coraline! (What can I say? I’m in an animated movie mood.) Good luck on your mission, Tom! This message will self-destruct in–BOOM!!!

45 thoughts on “The Six Degrees of Separation Blogathon

  1. Pingback: Six Degrees of Separation Blogathon – Double Entry | The Sporadic Chronicles of a Beginner Blogger

  2. You definitely gotta check out Lawless. It’s all the awesome. That’s the back of Shia LaBeouf’s head though.

    • DAMN! That’s what I was afraid of. Seems like DeHaan and Hardy aren’t together in this much, huh? I do want to see it. I’ve heard lots of good things.

      • I think they have literally one scene together but DeHaan has a big supporting role so it’s not like he’s barely onscreen. It’s that he’s just playing LaBeouf’s best friend.

  3. *GULP*!!!! Yay! The hunt starts right now. . . .

    Thanks Cara! Oh, and awesome double-take trick at the end there. That was great. Lol. I really thought that’s what I saw hahahaha

  4. Um. Since you were all braggy about the three steps in the first link . . .

    I have to point out: you really slacked off in taking five steps for the second one. Seriously? Five. That’s barely better than the limit. 🙂

  5. Great post Cara! Sorry I didn’t get to check it out sooner but thanks for doing two of these! Love that your Colin Firth trail included Love Actually, one of my favourite Christmas movies. I watch it every year, much to the dismay of my other half 🙂

  6. Pingback: CHALLENGE ACCEPTED: THE EXORCIST III | Isaacs Picture Conclusions

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