Being Human: even monsters need roomies

high res BEING HUMAN

I’m wrapping up my “British Invasion” segment (because, sadly, this is the only other BBC show I’ve seen) with Being Human. Now, fellow Americans, let me clarify: this is not the show of the same title you may have seen on the Syfy channel. I’m talking about the original show, which first aired in the U.K. in 2008. From what I understand, the American version Continue reading

Merlin: a bromantic take on Camelot


Another “British Invasion” TV review for a show that, sadly, finished up last year for U.K. fans and earlier this year for U.S. fans: Merlin. I don’t know if it gained a lot of traction across the pond, but in the States Merlin seemed to remain a hidden gem on the Syfy channel. Although it’s hard to draw attention Continue reading

Doctor Who: the weird and the wonderful

doctor who

My “British Invasion” TV reviews continue! Time to cover a classic—a show that has been a staple of British television for nearly 50 years (in fact, the show has a 50th anniversary special coming up in November). I am talking, of course, about Doctor Who. While this show has always been steadily popular across the pond, it’s taken a while for the U.S. to catch on. In fact Continue reading

Sherlock: classic sleuth, modern twist


While there’s a lull in my movie-going schedule, I thought I’d take some time to address the other half of my little blogging endeavor: TV reviews! I’m going to try to stick to a series of themes for my TV reviews. Why themes? Because themes are fun! I’d like to start with a “British Invasion” theme because lately, I just can’t get enough of the BBC. Continue reading