An Important Update (and some mini reviews)

My face upon realizing how ridiculously long I have been gone.

My face upon realizing how ridiculously long I have been gone.

Hi, guys. So, first of all, I would like to apologize profusely for disappearing for…let’s see…yikes–nearly three months. It was pretty uncool of me to drop off for so long without any warning. That said…I’m probably about to disappear again. And this time, it could be longer. :/ Continue reading

Resolutions 2016: A Streetcar Named Desire

streetcar 4.5

I’m back! So, so sorry for disappearing for a while! I’ve had a pretty busy time of it lately. But I’m here now and it’s time to get in one last film for my Resolutions series before we shut this bad boy down. It’s been a really great run this year with several fantastic guests Continue reading