This Is the End: the lighter side of the apocalypse


Even after surviving Y2K, the end of the Mayan calendar, and countless wild end-of-the-world theories, we’re all still fixated on the idea of the apocalypse. But who can blame us? It’s much more fun to imagine our world ending with a bang instead of a whimper, and Hollywood has supplied us with plenty of grand ideas for what’s going to finally do us in. Continue reading

Man of Steel: Superman reboot less than super?


When I heard that Superman was getting a reboot, I wasn’t exactly super enthused. To be fair, I’ve always been a Batman fan at heart, but I also had the 2006 attempt at reviving Superman on my mind. If I remember correctly, the attempt was less than successful—more of a sentimental tribute to the old movies than a try at anything new. Continue reading