Versatile Blogger and Blog of the Year Awards!


The wonderful Mr. Drakulus nominated me for these forever ago, and I feel like a wretched individual for just now getting around to them! Nonetheless, I thought I’d sneak this post in before the start of a new year. So here we go!

The Versatile Blogger Award

versatile blogger award

Every blog award has its own set of requirements. Here’s what needs to be done for this one:

  • Thank the person who gave you this award. That’s common courtesy.
  • Include a link to their blog. That’s also common courtesy — if you can figure out how to do it.
  • Next, select 15 blogs/bloggers that you’ve recently discovered or follow regularly. (I would add, pick blogs or bloggers that are excellent!)
  • Nominate those 15 bloggers for the Versatile Blogger Award — you might include a link to this site.
  • Finally, tell the person who nominated you 7 things about yourself.

So first and foremost, thank you, Drakulus, for not only these awards, but for the several months of support you have given to this blog. You’ve nominated me for other awards, and you’re always liking and commenting on my posts. You have no idea how much I appreciate it all! I’ve said this before, and I’m sure I’ll say it again: if you haven’t already, check out Drakulus’s blog. There’s an assortment of great movie, TV, and gaming content on there–truly something for everyone. Go pay a visit! And thanks again, buddy!

Now for my nominees! I might pick a few people I’ve picked for various things before, but I’m going to try to branch out. And the nominees are…

  1. Alex Raphael
  2. ccpopculture
  3. Cinema Axis
  4. MovieRob
  5. Movies and Music Café
  6. mykindofmovie
  7. Oracle of Film
  8. A Seat on a Train
  9. Screenkicker
  10. The Sporadic Chronicles of a Beginner Blogger
  11. Tim’s Film Reviews
  12. The Verbal Spew Review
  13. Video As Life
  14. vinnieh
  15. Where the Wild Things Are

These blogs are all quite awesome, so if you see some strangers on here, why not pop on over and introduce yourself?

Now for some fun facts:

  1. I name my cars after characters from the musical Wicked. My car right now is a Ford Focus, and his name is Fiyero. He’s a lovely little tyke.
  2. I got a Wii U for Christmas, and I LOVE it. So far, I have played The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker, ZombiU, and Lego Marvel Super Heroes. Great games, but ZombiU kind of stresses me out…
  3. My birthday is the day before America’s birthday. We could totally have a joint party.
  4. My favorite color has been orange ever since I was a wee tiny thing. The walls of my bedroom are, in fact, an obnoxious shade of orange.
  5. I did plays and musicals in middle school and high school. Among other roles, I have played an alien, Little Red Riding Hood, a sassy Jewish mother, and a Hispanic woman (which was odd since I’m pale and blonde).
  6. When I went to Harry Potter World in Florida, I bought a replica of Sirius Black’s wand. No shame.
  7. I have two “fake” teeth–one crown and one veneer. When I studied in England for a semester, the crown fell out my first week there. Because my dentist drilled away at the tooth to make the crown fit, underneath is just a jagged yellow thing. It didn’t get fixed until I returned to the States, so my smile is weird in all of my pictures…sigh.

Blog of the Year Awards

Blog of the Year Award 1 star jpeg

And now for the second round! Here’s what’s up for the Blog of the Year Awards:

  • Select the blog(s) you think deserve the ‘Blog of the Year 2013’ Award
  • Write a blog post and tell us about the blog(s) you have chosen – there are no minimum or maximum number of blogs required – and ‘present’ the blog(s) with their award.
  • Let the blog(s) that you have chosen know that you have given them this award and share the instructions with them – (please don’t alter the instructions or the badges!)
  • Come over and say hello to the originator of the ‘Blog of the Year 2013’ Award via this link –
  • You can now also join the ‘Blog of the Year’ Award Facebook page – click the link here and share your blog posts with an even wider audience.
  • And as a winner of the award – please add a link back to the blog that presented you with the award – and then proudly display the award on your blog … and start collecting stars…

And the winners are…

Most Hilarious Blog(s): It’s a tie! The IPC and Hard Ticket to Home Video. Eric, your tags will never cease to make me giggle, and your reactions to some of the dreadful films you watch are simply priceless. Brian and Brad, you are effortlessly funny, and R.O.T.O.R.’s daily updates crack me the heck up. Never change, you wonderful jokers.

Most Informative Blog: Confessions of a Nerf Herder. It’s ridiculous how much movie and TV info I learn from this blog. With several brief, easy-to-read posts a day, Confessions of a Nerf Herder is great about keeping me and many other readers in the loop. So thank you, Andrew, for keeping all of us well-informed!

Most Dedicated Blogger: Dan of Dan the Man’s Movie Reviews. Not only does he post a review every single day (seriously, Dan–have you missed a single day since you started?), but he posts very thorough reviews that always exceed 1,000 words. I don’t know where this guy finds the time or energy, but I sure do admire him for it.

Most Perceptive Blogger: Mr. JJames of JJames Reviews. I’m always impressed by the reviews on this blog because JJames notices things I never would have thought about. His reviews are intelligent, detailed examinations of films, and I genuinely feel like I can trust his opinion.

Friendliest Blogger: Table 9 Mutant of Cinema Parrot Disco. T9M was one of the first individuals I got to know here on WordPress, and she was immediately very friendly and easy to talk to. We’ve become buddies both here and in the Twittersphere, and I’m so grateful for that. Her posts (and her tweets) are simply joyful.

Most Enjoyable Content: The Cinema Monster. Joseph reviews films, covers important news in his Gushing Cinephile segment, and he’s even rounding up everyone’s opinions on the best films of the year (vote here if you haven’t already). Also, I am OBSESSED with his Top Ten lists. So much fun to read.

And finally…

Blog of the Year: Back atcha, Drakulus! Really, Drakulus has worked hard over there. Nearly every day I see a slew of new movie, TV, or gaming posts, and it’s all great content. Drakulus has amassed quite a following in a few short months, but given that there’s a steady stream of posts and he’s always out sharing his opinions on other blogs, that’s no surprise. So congrats to you, sir! Please keep up the fantastic work! 🙂

There they are! I’ve tried to highlight some of the best of the best with these awards, but even doing that I left out many other worthy bloggers. There are just so many blogs to admire! I am constantly blown away by the fantastic content on here. So all of you, please keep doing what you are doing! Because you are awesome. 🙂

Happy New Year, everybody! I wish you all the best in 2014! See you on the flip side! 😉


46 thoughts on “Versatile Blogger and Blog of the Year Awards!

  1. Thanks again for this! I really do appreciate it! : ) I do TRY to be friendly! Except when Eric doesn’t like things like The Godfather. I mean, whaaaaat??? Lol. Can I name you Sweetest Blogger Ever??? : )

  2. Pingback: Awards: Versatile Blogger | Alex Raphael

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