Duets: Trainwreck and Paper Towns

paper towns 2

It’s Friday once again! Huzzah! And I’ve got a brand-spankin’ new pair of films to talk about. The target audiences for these are way different from each other, but they kind of touch on some of the same themes, I guess (albeit very, very loosely), and they’re both actually pretty good for what they are. But we’ll get into that. Continue reading

Resolutions 2015: Rear Window

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Happy MLK Day, everybody! You all enjoying your day off and reflecting on the importance of freedom and equality and whatnot? I sure hope so. Really, I should’ve planned to do some kind of inspirational post for today, but…well…I ended up reviewing another film for my Resolutions series instead. Sigh. Not exactly inspirational, but it is what it is. Continue reading

Premiere Particulars: Gracepoint


What time is it? You got it—time to discuss another TV premiere! This one is a little different from the shows I have discussed/will be discussing this season. You see, this is actually a mini-series that is, from what I understand, almost an exact adaptation of the British series Broadchurch. Like, even some of the names are the same. Continue reading

Premiere Particulars: Bates Motel


Between two posts about Hannibal and now this, I am just all kinds of macabre lately! I promise I do not exist solely on a diet of TV shows about murderers. That just seems to be the way things are lately. Anyway, I had hoped to get a review of season one of Bates Motel out before the season two premiere last night, but I didn’t manage to swing it. Continue reading