Premiere Particulars: Doctor Who and Gotham

That’s right, kids—we’re discussing TWO premieres today. Because I’m crazy like that! Or, you know, just because a loooot of premieres are rolling out over the next month or so, and I need to cram a few of them together. And I am all too thrilled today to discuss a couple of really solid premieres. Continue reading

Premiere Particulars: Gotham

gotham 2

And so it begins—the first of an obnoxious amount of write-ups about premiere episodes. Seriously, you’ll just have to resign yourself to seeing at least a couple of these a week on my blog for the next month or so. But I’m sure glad this one was first on this list because I was extremely curious about it. Have you been curious, too? Well then let me share a few of the particulars of Fox’s new crime drama, Gotham. Continue reading

A trailer for Gotham is here!!

Hi, guys! So I’m being lazy today and posting another video, but this is actually something I’ve been anticipating for some time–a trailer for Fox’s upcoming crime drama Gotham, which will follow Jim Gordon (Ben McKenzie) prior to becoming commissioner of Gotham City (Batman’s domain). I have really high hopes for this one, and I’d love to see DC with another TV hit on its hands (because The CW’s Arrow is freaking amazing). Continue reading