12 Films of Christmas 2013: Classic Christmas Cartoons

Just one more reblog for Christmas! Here’s a little write-up about some of my favorite Christmas cartoons. New stuff coming tomorrow! 🙂

Silver Screen Serenade

english bulldogs dressed up as santa and rudolph

MERRY CHRISTMAS, EVERYBODY!!! Well, Merry Christmas Eve, if we’re being technical, but who cares? As far as I’m concerned, Christmas is a 48-hour affair. I hope your day has been merry and bright so far, and I certainly hope you’re not one of those poor souls out doing last-minute shopping. If you are…well, Godspeed.

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The Lego Movie: everything IS awesome


I came to the realization the other day that thus far, I’m not doing so great on catching my 20 Films of 2014. Open Grave and I, Frankenstein have both premiered, and I hardly paid any attention (though in my defense I don’t think the former ever came to a local theater, and I have heard 99% dreadful things about the latter). Continue reading

12 Films of Christmas 2013: The Muppet Christmas Carol


After the last review for my 12 Films of Christmas series (you can read all of these reviews in the archives), I hope you all don’t think I’m determined to be a Grinch. Honestly, I didn’t know The Polar Express would be so disappointing. I’ll make you a solemn Christmas promise right now: all of the rest of the films in this series are good—even great! Continue reading

12 Films of Christmas 2013: Elf


Time for another Christmas film! I hope that your day has been as holly and jolly as a Tuesday can possibly be, but if you’re feeling a little like a Grinch, here’s something that might give you some cheer: Christmas Eve is ONE WEEK from today! …Actually, I hope that didn’t just stress you out. Let me rephrase: You still have A WHOLE WEEK to finish up shopping! Continue reading

12 Films of Christmas 2013: Home Alone


Time to cut out the reindeer games—I need to get going on these Christmas films! So far, I’ve discussed five joyful and triumphant holiday films (check them out in the 12 Films of Christmas Archives if you missed them), and here we are at the halfway point! I gotta say, of the films I’ve covered for this series so far, this is the one I’m least likely to handle with objectivity. Continue reading